Affiliate Resources


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Email Swipes

Emailing Tips:
Split Test Your Emails With Different Subject Lines
Put 2 Links In The Email and Make Sure 1 Is Near The Top
Re-Send Your Email To Non-Openers 1 Day or a Few Hours Later

Swipes For Cold Traffic
Could Work Well with Solo Ads in the MMO / Bizop Niche

Day 1 - Email 1

Subject: Stop losing… start winning!
Subject: Sick and tired of hearing fake promises?

Want to learn how I earn?

When I was busy looking for the perfect system to help me succeed online,
I just couldn't find anything! 
I put trust in people and gave them my money
But I didn’t get the results I wanted!
I thought I was losing.

I was stuck on this road and thought of giving up!

But one day, I saw a sponsored post about the OLSP Academy inviting people to attend their training. It was promising so I joined it. 

And I never looked back since!

===> You can check out OLSP Academy here

It’s the ONLY affiliate program online that gives training to its affiliates
So we would make WINNING decisions.
 And make commissions in the process!

Being a student of this program, I have become a different person .
In fact, my life has changed forever!

I want to share my success with you so you can start your own winning journey as well!

===> Click here to join the OLSP Academy

Day 1 - Email 2

Subject: Hard work that really pays off?
Subject: The system that rewards your efforts?

I totally hated my 9-5 job and thought that I wasn’t going anywhere with it!

So I started looking for opportunities online and found the OLSP Academy.
The most unique affiliate program on the planet!

I couldn’t believe that a newbie like me is welcome

Heck, it’s the only network I found that gives a STEP-BY-STEP training on 
-how to succeed online as an affiliate marketer.
-how to earn commissions online, 
-how to market and engage people
-how to step up as a leader 
And so much more!

Joining OLSP Academy was the best decision I’ve ever made.

Because all my hard work pays off with the help of the OLSP system.

The best part is… Commissions keep on coming even if I’m just working at home, when I’m on vacation, on travel, or taking my coffee elsewhere!

This is truly awesome if you want a BIG shift in your life.

===> Join OLSP Academy here

Day 2 - Email 1

Subject: Struggling to earn commissions online?
Subject: They were teaching you the WRONG way

Before making my mark online,
I joined a lot of affiliate programs in the past 
There were quick offers like 10%, 20%, 50% and even 100% commissions on each sale
But it was a complete struggle due to competition!
And I don’t know how to sell a product online.

Fast forward, I found and joined the OLSP Academy
The only affiliate program that gives you all the training you need to succeed online but does all the work for you as well!

I don’t need to sell.
I don’t need to have a website
I don’t need to compete online
I don’t need to be experienced.

Because all I need to do is SHARE ONE LINK
And I can make commissions anytime, anywhere, forever!

This is truly game-changing for me and the rest of affiliates in OLSP.

And you can do this too!

===> Click here to join the OLSP Academy

To start earning commissions the easy and right way!

Talk to you soon!

Day 2 - Email 2

Subject: Looking for a mentor online?
Subject: I wasted my time on this

If only I had a mentor when I was just starting online it would have been life-changing! 

Having a mentor is important especially when you join an affiliate network.
When you have one, you know that you’re on the right track, and you’re not wasting effort and time.

It took me years to realize it, until I was introduced to OLSP Academy and its creator, Wayne Crowe!

This man worked hard to build a system, to gather a community of serious affiliate marketers who want to grow their own team and achieve real success online.

And it is where I found real mentorship that is actually being practised and helping us succeed!

So if you’re just starting out or maybe lost in the process,

But wanted to secure your path to good future,

We can help you!

So join us and take action now -

===> [link]

Talk to you soon!

Day 3 - Email 1

Subject: Problems with web traffic?
Subject: Your one-stop solution for all traffic problems!

When I started in online marketing,
No one seems to be noticing my sales posts,
And I was clueless as to what traffic I should get to increase visitors for my page.

I needed web traffic badly so I looked up online,
But everyone was teaching the same-old strategies
Which I’m already doing, yet is still not working!

That’s why I’m so glad I found this super unique system
Which has given me all the solutions to increase traffic and drive sales faster!

You won’t believe it, 
but this system has the tool to drive traffic for my posts overnight
And does all the email marketing for me to make sales and get commissions!

So, if you are dealing with the need for web traffic, email marketing, and making more commissions and sales, but don't know how to go about making emails and selling…

Then I've got a great new affiliate program for you!

===> Click here to join

PS - If you're serious, there's only one link to share and the system does the job.
Click here right now ===>

Day 3 - Email 2

Subject: I did my first sale and it was awesome!
Subject: Want to make your first sale?

I started where you are right now, whether you want to make your first commission online or maybe you've been earning a few commissions here and there and you want to scale things up fast.
I know the struggles you will have as I went through these for years and years myself before I saw any success.

Even now, I still remember my very first sale and it was awesome.

An awesome, awesome feeling.

I want to give that to as many people as possible through a system that works for everyone who wants to succeed online.
Here, you can earn your first commission fast, and if you work hard, more will come to you and you won’t even notice it!
It doesn’t matter if you’re someone brand new, we teach you how it works!
So join us here and let’s work out your success

Day 4 - Email 1

Subject: Most effective way to earn long-term commissions?
Subject: Ten Times your income-earning efforts in the long term

I didn’t believe this strategy to work until I tried it!

I have been in the affiliate industry for quite some time. And I think I already saw everything there is to know about affiliate marketing. I even got the experience of having my account blocked by Facebook!

But my commitment didn’t die there so I created a new profile in FB and was adding random friends until I came across Wayne Crowe.

Then Wayne sent me an invite to the OLSP Academy.

Long story short, in 2020, I joined the OLSP Academy affiliate program which has been the GREATEST program I've had the pleasure of joining. 

OLSP truly is an amazing system, the community is awesome and Wayne is a hero! 

Since joining the academy, I've earned thousands of dollars in commissions & competition winnings which is a HUGE SUCCESS in anyone's book. I'm truly grateful for OLSP and so proud to be a part of this group!

If you want to experience the same long-term success as mine and want to know how OLSP works for anyone online…

===> Click here to join!

Day 4 - Email 2

Subject: The right mindset for affiliate marketing?
Subject: How to crush a million earnings!

If you can make $1 online, you can make a million more!

Anyone who succeeds online has their own ups and downs.

But I believe that failure doesn’t make them weak, it makes them stronger instead!

Here’s my story…

It took more than 8 weeks before I earned my first one-digit commission with OLSP academy...

Week 1: I got to work...
Week 2: no sales...
Week 3: I kept going...
Week 4: no sales...
Week 5: I got frustrated...
Week 6: no sales...
Week 7: I kept going...
Week 8: no sales...
Week 9: finally happened! 
Since then I've earned over $10k!!

Moral of the story?

Things don't often happen overnight but if you work hard, adapt your strategy, test, test, test and never give up... only then will you have a chance to find success!

It doesn't matter if you hit your first sale in 24hrs or 24 months, once you've mastered a strategy that works... nobody can take that away from you!

If you want to try out the system that made me successful,

Go check out this affiliate program now
===> Link here

Day 5 - Email 1

Subject: Never worked online before?
Subject: Want to make your first income online?

Looking for an opportunity to earn online?

If you think that once you start working online, BIG money will immediately come to you,
Then you’ve got it all wrong!

[Insert Proof Of Earnings Image Here From Below]

What you see above are my first earnings when I started out with affiliate marketing.

$138 is not a big earner but that’s not the point. The more important thing about being an affiliate is how I am making progress from 0 to commissions!

And that’s what the OLSP Academy has taught me.

That instant earnings won’t come to you if you don’t understand what you’re doing. 
That you need to get trainings and apply them first before you expect results to happen!

Thanks to the trainings I learned from the OLSP Academy, I earn consistent commissions now and I’m hitting my goals every month!

You can do this too, if you just give it time and importance!

===> Join us here to start your training

To your success,

Day 5 - Email 2

Subject: Looking for help online?
Subject: Not sure where to start?

Wouldn’t it be great if there is a place that you could join and ask help from?

A place where you can ask anything and where successful people hang out together and are helping each other?

Well I found it and it’s called the OLSP Academy.

I had so many questions about how the online world works.

But OLSP was there to guide me!

So if you are curious like me about,

How to earn commissions online,
How to start with affiliate marketing,
How to use social media to your advantage
And so much more…

Then we in the OLSP Academy can help you!

We have all the tools and training that you need to succeed online if only you ask us for HELP.

Joining OLSP was the best decision for me. And I want to share it with you.

===> Click here so we can get started!

Day 6 - Email 1

Subject: Struggling with emails?
Subject: A system that does email marketing for you?

Want to grow your email list,

But don’t have the skill or time to write follow up emails

Or content for your promotion?

I used to struggle with these things too..

I hated writing and editing content…
But do you want to know what helped me all the way?

It’s when I joined the OLSP Academy.

The only affiliate program online where I don’t need to worry about writing copy or emails because the system does it all for you!

There’s a saying to not only work HARD but to also work SMART.

And joining OLSP was the smartest decision I have ever made!

It offers trainings and tutorials and once you’re done you can start earning commissions!

Awesome, right?

So if you hate email writing like I do… Want a shortcut that works…

Why not let the system do it for you?

===> Join OLSP now to start!

Swipes For Emailing Out To Your OLSP Downlines
Nurturing and Encouraging Your Team To Engage With The
OLSP Training and Take Action

Day 1 - Email 1

Subject: Welcome to the OLSP Training!

Hey there,

I want to take the time to greet you personally for deciding to join my team in OLSP Academy.

I know it’s a big decision to make, that's why I’m here to assist you in any way I can.

The first thing that I am going to help you with, is the OLSP Training.

Because this is where you’ll know everything about the OLSP system and how affiliates like us are earning commissions!

===> Click here to Start the OLSP Training

This training is the key to understanding affiliate marketing the OLSP way.

So I hope you take this seriously, as my team has. :)

Now, I’m not going to hold you any longer.

In fact, I’m totally excited for you to start this!

So don’t delay and take action -


To your success,

Day 1 - Email 2

Subject: Exciting OLSP Results

Hey there,

I just want to take a minute to thank you for joining my team!

Here, we share our successes and strategies, so everyone gets to win.

In fact, recently, one of our team members earned his first commission!

[image of commissions here]

And the reason is he put so much focus on the trainings!

Now, if you follow his lead, the next one could be YOU.

So don’t delay and take action!

===> Click here to start the training now

To your success,


Day 2 - Email 1

Subject: Learn something new today!

Hey there,

It's me with a friendly reminder that "Everyday is a chance to learn something new."

That’s why today is the perfect time to add to your knowledge by hopping into the OLSP Training! 

===> Click here to continue with the training

This training is what you need if you want to succeed with affiliate marketing.

In fact, this is where you get a step-by-step guide on how people are making commissions through the system…

If you want to learn while you earn, this is the way to go!

===> Continue with the OLSP Training now

To your success,

Day 2 - Email 2

Subject: How to get a 5-figure income with affiliate marketing?

Hey there,

It’s me with a quick reminder that “You can become a 5-figure income earner if you work hard and focus on your goals!” 

This was shared to me by the OLSP team to keep me inspired and I want to share this to you as well!

[Insert Neil Moran OLSP Earnings Image Here]

What you see above is a testimony from Neil Moran who is among the successful affiliates of the OLSP Academy. Recently, he earned his 5-figure commission with the OLSP!

Amazing, right?

You can achieve this too if you follow Neil’s lead. 

And that is to finish the OLSP Training, the first step for anyone who wants to earn commissions inside the OLSP.

===> Continue with the OLSP Training now

You can do this if you believe in yourself.

Talk soon.

To your success,

Day 3 - Email 1

Subject: I have a challenge for you

Hey there,

You know the saying, “If you don’t challenge yourself, you will never realize what you can become.”

Well, this is my mantra to be successful. 

And so I want to push you harder to finish the OLSP Training.

Because it will help you further in understanding how the OLSP system works and will give you the tools to succeed.

Trust me, the benefits of this training are way beyond anyone’s expectations.

If you feel overwhelmed, we’re always here to help!

It’s what our team is built for.

So again, I leave you with a challenge today,

Finish the OLSP Training and be reborn as a new person!

===> Click here to finish the training

To your success,

Day 3 - Email 2

Subject: Want to get results with the OLSP?

Hey there,

Here with a reminder that “Results happen over time, not overnight!”

That’s why it’s important to trust the process, to believe that if you do the work, results will surely follow!

With this, I urge you to finish the OLSP Training.

Believe me, this is the process that will lead you to your dream - to become a successful affiliate marketer and earn 6-figure commissions!

Soon you’ll see the results if you work on it now.

So don’t delay and take action -

===> Finish the OLSP Training now

Again, trust the process!

To your success,

Day 4 - Email 1


Hey there,

I just want to take a peek at how you’re doing with the OLSP Training?

You may not know this yet,

But anyone who finishes the training gets the most benefits from the system!

It is where the shortcuts, hacks, and secret methods are shared by the one and only Wayne Crowe, owner of the OLSP Academy.

In fact, he gives you all the steps on how to earn commissions fast!

If you take time to finish the OLSP Training, you will get to speak with Wayne himself And it’s something to look forward to!!

So what are you waiting for? Don’t delay and take action -

===> Continue with the OLSP Training now

Talk soon. :)

To your success,

Day 4 - Email 2


It’s me with some goodies to super-charge your training!

Take a peek at these...

[Insert OLSP Earnings Collage Image Here]

I hope you become inspired with the achievements of our super affiliates and remember that the ONLY way to succeed and earn commissions in OLSP is to finish the training in 7 days!

Believe me, once you’ve mastered the trainings, nobody can take your success away from you!

We know you can do this!

====> Finish the OLSP Training now

To your success,

Day 5 - Email 1

Subject: You’re a superstar

Hey there,

I just want to take a minute to appreciate your hard work with the OLSP Training!

Know that your efforts are not wasted and soon you’ll see the results that you aim for.

In the meantime, 

Let me recall some of the OLSP Training units and what’s in it: 

Unit 1 is all about how to be an affiliate marketer, the OLSP style.

Unit 2 is all about the OLSP tools you need to have to earn commissions

And Unit 3 talks about the key elements you should know to succeed as an affiliate.

That’s only three units but do you see how comprehensive it gets?

Because this is OLSP’s goal.

To help every affiliate improve and succeed.

So if you are really serious about making it BIG online,

GO finish the training now 

And soon, we’ll work together as you apply the things you’ve learned!

Talk soon,

To your success,

Day 5 - Email 2

Subject: Don’t stop now! You’re almost there

Success is manifesting in you!

So here’s something to keep you moving forward…

[Insert OLSP Earnings Image Here]

If you become an active member of the OLSP Academy Facebook group, you’ll see this post above more often!

And soon, I know that I’ll be seeing your name in there as well!

So what are you waiting for? Keep going, don’t delay and take action-

Finish the OLSP Training now to start making your mark!

I know you can do this!

Talk soon. :)

To you success,

Day 6 - Email 1

Subject: Do you need help?

Hey there,

If you feel like the training is a bit overwhelming, confusing or is holding you back,

Don’t be afraid to ask questions!

We are a team and I’d be happy to help you in any way I can.

Just so you know, the OLSP Academy is a place where you can ask questions,

And the group is composed of successful affiliates who are willing to assist new members the way the system works.

So keep going with the training and let us know how you feel!

===> Continue with the OLSP Training now

Talk soon!

To your success,

Day 6 - Email 2

Subject: How to earn success in OLSP

Hey there,

Here with a friendly reminder that “ You can do this if you believe you can!”

And I believe this a hundred percent!

You made a big decision by joining the OLSP Academy, so if anything is discouraging you right now, know that you can overcome this if you focus on your goals and strengths.

Finishing the training is a huge achievement for anyone in OLSP, so don’t give up and keep going!

YOU CAN DO THIS! You can reach success if you just take action - 

===> Finish the OLSP Training now

Talk to you soon,

To your success,


Day 7 - Email 1

Subject: Can you spare a minute

Hey there,

Here to leave you 2 quick things for you today (only takes 60 secs to read)...

#1 - Don't forget! It’s best to finish the OLSP training in 7 days!

Why? Because…

#2 - As soon as you finish your training, you will have more time to apply your learnings AND join the live trainings hosted by Wayne Crowe which is a great start to earning your commissions!

I wanted to make sure you knew about that because I'm pretty sure exciting days are waiting for you if you just focus and finish what you started!

So keep going with the training and let me know once you’re done.. :)

===> Continue with the OLSP Training now

Talk to you soon!

To your success,

Day 7 - Email 2

Subject: Congratulations, you made it?

Hey there,

I just want to let you know that the sooner you finish your training, the closer you are to reaching success!

===> Go to OLSP Training now

Why it’s so important to finish the OLSP Training?

-To start applying the methods, techniques and hacks learned from the training…
-To earn your first commission!
-To share your success online!

We in the team are so excited for your affiliate journey ahead.

And if you need help with anything, the OLSP Team, our team, and the OLSP group is ready to assist you anytime!

So don’t forget to always take action,

===> Finish the OSP Training

And make your mark now!

To your success,
